Buh-Bye 2018: A Summary and reflection

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My reading challenge for 2018 was to read 50 books. I was finally able to reach this year’s goal after a few years of failing miserably.

In 2018 I had a few other bookish goals other than reading 50 books.

Start a book blog.

I was able not only to start my blog, Lit Lemon, but also have a twitter account that is bookish/my semi-personal account. I have found so many accounts to follow, I can’t wait to see many more.

Share my bookish information.

I was very torn when creating a blog. I knew I wanted to share my love for reading but also other things bookish in nature. I have read soo many articles that said to only focus on ONE topic for your blog, but I couldn’t. So in 2019, I will continue to share bookish information and dive a little deeper into subscriptions and memberships.

Learn more about the book community.

I am still trying to tackle this goal. I am learning so much as each day passes. I have followed many other readers who share fantastic information. I am interested in joining NetGalley and the early reader community as a whole. I know these are things I must learn in time.

I have also joined a few reading groups. As much as I enjoy the challenges, it can be overwhelming. Even though I am a reading group slacker, I appreciate the books shared and the games played within the groups.

Upload my all book reviews to Goodreads.

*sighs* This is a work in progress. As much as I love Goodreads, the website and app are wonky. The app is always crashing on my phone. I only have a few days left in 2018 so I will have to continue this into the new year.



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